
The aim of the Biergercenter is to give the citizens of the municipality and those who wish to become citizens the opportunity to carry out the necessary administrative formalities.
The Biergercenter is located in the Town Hall building.
Place de la Mairie L-7201 Walferdange
Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon by appointment only.
Administrative procedures
Arrival and departure (declaration)
Any person, whatever his/her nationality, who establishes his/her residence in the municipality of Walferdange, is obliged to declare this to the Biergercenter within 8 days of occupying the new residence.
Third country nationals must register within 3 working days of their arrival in the territory.
Any Luxembourg citizen or foreigner who leaves the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to settle abroad must declare his/her departure to the Biergercenter at the latest the day before departure.
For any further information please follow the link
People who already have their residence in Luxembourg can make changes of residence in the event of a move within Luxembourg (from one commune to another, within the commune) or to another country via
Car registration certificate (change of address)
When the owner or holder of a vehicle registered in Luxembourg changes residence, he/she must, within the following month, have his/her new address entered on part 1 (grey) of the registration certificate of the vehicle concerned either by the SNCA or by the municipality of arrival (only for natural persons).
For any further information please follow the link
You must present yourself with your identity card or passport to obtain a certificate.
Certificates (except life certificate and certificate of registration on electoral lists) can also be downloaded via
Certified copies
To obtain a certified copy, the applicant must go to the Biergercenter with the original document to be copied.
A certified copy is a duplicate of the original, whereby the issuer of the copy guarantees that it is identical to the original.
The Biergercenter is not able to issue a certified copy of a notarial deed or a civil status document (birth, marriage, death).
Childcare service voucher (Chèque service-accueil)
The childcare-service voucher (CSA) is a financial aid that grants parents reduced rates for education and childcare services in the field of non-formal education.
In order to benefit from the advantages of the childcare service voucher, parents living in Walferdange must go to the Biergercenter to sign a membership contract.
For any further information please contact the Biergercenter or follow the link
Declaration of dogs
If you own a dog, you must declare it to the Biergercenter of the municipality of Walferdange.
To do this, you have to present the following documents:
- a dog certificate as required by law (issued by an approved veterinarian),
- a certificate issued by an insurance company guaranteeing the civil liability of the dog keeper for damage caused to third parties by the dog.
You will be given a receipt as proof of your declaration.
For any further information please follow the link
Electoral rolls
Registration on the electoral roll
The electoral roll is maintained and updated at the Biergercenter.
You can register on the electoral roll at the Biergercenter or via
Deadline for registration :
Nationals of another Member State of the European Union who wish to participate for the first time at the European elections on 9 June 2024, must apply to be entered on the electoral roll by 5 p.m. on Monday, 15 April 2024 at the latest.
For more information on registering to vote in the European elections, please follow the link or or
Identity Card
The identity card is mandatory for any person of luxembourgish nationality, who is resident in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and who is over 15 years old.
The application for an identity card can be made either at the Biergercenter or at the reception desk (11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg).
For any further information please follow the links:
Applying for a Luxembourg identity card-resident
Applying for a Luxembourgish identity card- non resident
Legalisation/Certification of signatures
A legalisation/certification of a signature attests the sincerity and veracity of a signature on a document or private deed. Its purpose is to certify that the signature is authentic and probative and that it was affixed by the person himself.
In order to certifie a signature on a document, the person concerned must come in person to the Biergercenter and provide proof of his/her identity (valid identity card or passport).
The documents concerned must be signed in the presence of the municipal official authorised to authenticate signatures.
Please note! Documents signed in advance will not be accepted.
For any further information please follow the link
For further information, please contact the Biergercenter or follow the links:
Resident permit
All national of a Member State of the European Union as well as the national of an assimilated country who intends to stay in Luxembourg for more than 3 months must complete a declaration of registration with the Biergercenter.
For any further information please contact the Biergercenter or follow the link
Residential Parking Sticker
Since 4th April 2011, “residential parking” has been in force in all streets of the municipality of Walferdange.
The residential parking sticker, which is only valid in the municipality of Walferdange, is reserved for residents of the municipality of Walferdange who are registered in the population register. Each household is entitled to three free parking stickers. Parking stickers can only be issued for vehicles in the category “car”.
The residential parking sticker allows all residents of the municipality to park their car free of charge and without respecting the time limit indicated on the sub-headings of the road signs, in all streets of the municipality of Walferdange.
Excluded from this measure are certain parkings installed at various locations in the municipality. The parking time in these parkings is limited in time, on working days from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., for all motorists, with the obligation to display the blue parking disc provided for by the “Code de la route” behind the windscreen, for the duration indicated on the spot (half an hour, one hour, two hours, three hours or five hours).
Contact persons of the Biergercenter